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Initial Research into Ideas for the Closing Event

Some initial research on the three issues of the exhibition, in which the themes have been assumed to be

1) Migration, Immigration, Asylum and Refugees

2) Space and the Social Conventions of Behaviors

3) Exploitation of the Female Body

Issue 1

Creating a map could be how it was tackled at MoMA as in image or could be slides of publics personal map overlaid?


Gerry Turvey

People who visited the gallery added to the installation by writing their ‘body stories’ on luggage labels and hanging them in the space.

The workshops were well attended and added to the choreography as well as being so much fun

Audience to add to event work in progress

Interesting blog of a walk around Leeds campus and city with Gerry Turvey,

"The city is a discourse, and this discourse is truly a language: the city speaks to its inhabitants, we speak our city, the city where we are, simply by living in it, by wandering through it, by looking at it." Roland Barthes

The above schizo cartographic map is a collage of a walk that took place on the University of Leeds campus on the evening of 23rd June 2011. The walk was run by Gerry Turvey, with assistance by me [Tina Richardson]: two walks took place, each one led by one of us. This map reflects the walk led by Tina. Richardson (2017). It was an arbitrary exercise in urban exploration (developed from an idea by the German choreographer Thomas Lehman). It required a small group of people, a willingness to have fun, and a sense of imagination: a series of timed walks, followed by short interventions of fantasy from participants. Most of the participants were from Leeds Psychogeography Group or the university. Richardson (2017).

Conclusions from this research:

  • maybe a recorded walk around Huddersfield?

What is Schizocartography?

Schizocartography offers a method of cartography that both questions dominant power structures while at the same time enabling subjective voices to appear from underlying postmodern topography. Schizocartography is at once the process and output of a psychogeography of particular spaces that have been co-opted. Richardson (2017).

By various capitalist-oriented operations, routines or procedures. It attempts to reveal the aesthetic and ideological contradictions that appear in urban space while simultaneously reclaiming the subjectivity of individuals by enabling new modes of creative expression. Schizocartography challenges anti-production, the homogenising character of overriding forms that work towards silencing mixed voices. Richardson (2017).


Issue 3

The Space Between: Psyche, Body, Skin, Environment is an inter-disciplinary one-day symposium bringing together key thinkers from a range of disciplines to consider ideas around clothing, cloth and protection in contemporary society; in particular those associated with psyche, dress and the environment. Clothing and dress are often interpreted as forms of literal, metaphorical or psychic protection; from a suit of armour to a hockey player’s padding, a heavy wool coat, to a businessperson’s suit. RCA(2017)

The symposium seeks to ask what does clothing as protection mean in the context of contemporary society. RCA(2017)

  • As well as physical protection from environmental risk how does it protect one from the social mores or precepts of society?

  • Why are some cultures and societal groups more concerned with this than others?

  • Are contemporary forms of exposure and nakedness or nudity now also viewed as forms of pre-emptive protection?

  • Do we now need more or less protection?

  • Moreover, who (or what) do we need protecting from?

This symposium focuses on three key themes:

Protection: Between Dress and Shelter.

This section explores the ways in which dress has been used as protection from the elements or the gaze of others. Taking a global perspective, it examines cultural differences in the definition of dress as protection.RCA(2017)

Psyche: Between Perception and Display.

This section explores the experiential or psychoanalytic implications of dress as protection versus dress as display.RCA(2017)

Intersection: Between Body and Skin.

Taking the garments we wear closest to the skin as its focal point; this section invites artists and academics who make or consider undergarments to share their perspective.RCA(2017)

Keynote Speaker: Dr Fataneh Farahani, Stockholm University, Sweden. With: Dr. Sarah Casey (Lancaster University), Caroline Collinge (Cabinet of Curiosity), Lindsay D’Arcy, (Royal College of Art/Imperial College), Lauren Downing Peters (Stockholm University), Victoria Geaney (Royal College of Art), Jamie Khoo (University of York), Dr Natalie McCreesh, (Sheffield Hallam University), Ana Carolina Minozzo (Birkbeck, University of London), Assistant Professor Colleen Schindler-Lynch (Ryerson University, Toronto), and Despina Zacharopoulou.

[Extract from Web Resources,]

Conclusions from this research:

  • Public could bring in their particular item of clothing and say why could be recording or photo with notes?


Redrawing women: Tackling sexism in comic books.

Conclusions from this research:

  • Draw your female comic superhero, could add to the online discussion.


Conclusions from this research:

  • Join the conversation! Check out our online challenges below.

  • Name 5 female artists, scientist, explores, Disney princesses, celebrities

  • I am pretty sure some lists are going to be a lot easier than others.

  • Can your friends and family name 5? Are they the same as yours?


i 9th March 2006

Blow up sex dolls in set in public spaces

posed as carrying out everyday roles carried

out by women

(Advertising campaign; The Woman is not An Object - Mexico(?)?)

Conclusions from this research:

  • Great discussion point!

  • The shock of the extra-ordinary


Bibliography: Barthes, Roland. 2004. 'Semiology and Urbanism', Rethinking Architecture, ed. by Neil Leach (London: Routledge). pp. 166-172.

British Broadcasting Corporation; Web resource, Retrieved 10th February 2017.

Body Stories - Web resource, Retrieved 7th February 2017.

The Museum Of Modern Art; New York. Web resource, retrieved 6th February 2017.

National Museum of Women in The Arts. Web resource, Retrieved 10th February 2017.

Royal College of Arts, London, 2017. Web resources, Retrieved 8th February 2017.

Richardson T. (2011). Web-blog, Retrieved 30th January 2017.

Richardson T. (2010). Web-blog, Retrieved 30th January 2017.

2017 Masters Degree, - Rotor Group.

The University of Huddersfield

Queensgate, Huddersfield. HD1 3DH

A site dedicated to the progress of research, preparation and execution of events for the Discursive Documents exhibition at the Huddersfield and Kirklees Gallery, Princess Alexander Walk, Huddersfield 2017.
Created by some of the Master's Degree students
(The MA Rotor Team) of the Art, Design & Architecture School 

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