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External Website Ideas - progress

Daniel's Website Design

In previous weeks the group decided on some key features;

- Feature image (boarder)

- Scrolling page, for easy usability

- The website should not be a promotional website

- The website should act as an archive

After Liam and Rowans feedback after the formative assessment/ pitch we realised that Liam was looking for our groups take on the exhibition, our own discursive document. An archive of the event and our thoughts.

Currently the website acts like more of a promotional page for ROTOR.

Chelsea's Website Mock

This website mock up/ draft uses anchor points, so the whole page flows as one. The event idea will be situated on this page.

2017 Masters Degree, - Rotor Group.

The University of Huddersfield

Queensgate, Huddersfield. HD1 3DH

A site dedicated to the progress of research, preparation and execution of events for the Discursive Documents exhibition at the Huddersfield and Kirklees Gallery, Princess Alexander Walk, Huddersfield 2017.
Created by some of the Master's Degree students
(The MA Rotor Team) of the Art, Design & Architecture School 

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