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Getting the ROTOR Groups up and Running!

A slightly shaky start, but it looks like there is enough of an understanding to start the project. The team as a whole are really excited that the two groups involved in this project for the new Huddersfield Gallery exhibition, which takes two artists and there work from three themes as a kind of invite for discussion. - Hence the title, "Discursive Documents".

Option 2 – ROTOR exhibition/engagement activities – Huddersfield Art Gallery

Group A – Website

Chelsea Horan

Grete Tvarkunaite

Alexandra Oddy

Graham Hadfield

Daniel Ainsworth

Group B - Event

Julie Emary

Sam Welburn

Ruth Green

Niamey Lamont

Adam Summerscales

Tim Brown

Hijab Ammar

The overlying focus of the activities of these groups will be to look at the Social and Cultural Impact of the Exhibition and Innovative ways to collaborate and explore the discursive nature of the gallery exhibits.

In considering Professor Tina Selig's model for Creativity and Innovation, the generation of ideas and subsequent selection and further execution resides in a good understanding of;

(External) (Internal / Individual)

Culture Attitude

Habitat And how they inter-mesh with Imagination

Resources Knowledge


Indeed, Selig's interpretation of each of these elements resides in working within a 'Mobius Loop' and she calls this, the 'Innovation Engine'.

See the web-site;

Setting up our groups will be an interesting phase.

Group dynamics, character styles and personalities will all have a part to play in the overall success of the project; Each contributor has their own skills, personality, motivations, interests and ways in which they both communicate externally, and 'internally' as part of a group. Inter-group friction may be something that we need to avoid too, and there are some easy opportunities to gain quickly with the proposed structure set to us by the academic guide lines.

In entreprenourial situations, it's worth thinking about breaking the rules! - Especially in those rules are either soft rules or can be by-passed for better effect! - So long as it is 'legal' and acceptable to all parties involved, innovative rule breaking can unleash further creativity!

2017 Masters Degree, - Rotor Group.

The University of Huddersfield

Queensgate, Huddersfield. HD1 3DH

A site dedicated to the progress of research, preparation and execution of events for the Discursive Documents exhibition at the Huddersfield and Kirklees Gallery, Princess Alexander Walk, Huddersfield 2017.
Created by some of the Master's Degree students
(The MA Rotor Team) of the Art, Design & Architecture School 

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