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How we would depict the data

Once we had a clear view of our idea we needed to start looking at how we would execute this idea. We realised that we would have to research ways of collating the date from a Facebook comments box.

We spoke to Spencer Roberts one of the tutors at The University of Huddersfield and he showed us a few different ways of extracting the comments. The easiest way would be to look at the developer source code using the Google Chrome web browser.

That looks something like this.

Source Code

From all of this code and information we would need to use a programme, or build a programme that could pick the information that we needed out from what we didn't need.

The University would help us to build this programme if we were to pursue the idea.

2017 Masters Degree, - Rotor Group.

The University of Huddersfield

Queensgate, Huddersfield. HD1 3DH

A site dedicated to the progress of research, preparation and execution of events for the Discursive Documents exhibition at the Huddersfield and Kirklees Gallery, Princess Alexander Walk, Huddersfield 2017.
Created by some of the Master's Degree students
(The MA Rotor Team) of the Art, Design & Architecture School 

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