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Closing Events - Liverpool & MOMA

Closing Event Liverpool

StartFragmentNight at the library – Aiko Miyanaga exhibition closing event Friday, 19th September, 19:30 - 21:00 (last entry at 20:45) Venue: Picton Reading Room, Central Library Liverpool EndFragment

<img src="" alt="LR_night-at-the-library-2" />

Images from the night at the library, 2014 Picton Reading Room, Liverpool

Image: Ben Stoker & Minako Jackson

Night at the library – Aiko Miyanaga exhibition closing event

Friday, 19th September, 19:30 - 21:00 (last entry at 20:45)

Venue: Picton Reading Room, Central Library Liverpool



Visit the magnificent Picton Reading Room at the Liverpool Central Library, where you can engage Aiko Miyanaga’s special installation in the dark.

The library will turn off the lights in Picton Reading Room, half hour before the usual closing time and extend the exclusive entry to the room until 21:00 (last entry to the library is at 20:45). The spectacle of the illuminated installation emerging from the darkness will transform the Grade II* listed Picton Reading room into another level of translunary space.

This is a one off special occasion for the closing event of Aiko Miyanaga’s special commission, Strata: Slumbering on a shore. The show will conclude on Sunday, 21st September.

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Images from the night at the library, 2014 Picton Reading Room, Liverpool

Image: Ben Stoker & Minako Jackson


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Images from the night at the library, 2014 Picton Reading Room, Liverpool

Image: Ben Stoker & Minako Jackson



MoMA PS1 opens its doors for a late-night celebration of our soon-to-close summer exhibitions. One of the city's most anticipated art events, Night at the Museum will feature special programming organized by artist Meriem Bennani, whose first solo museum show, FLY, is currently on view. Come join us for a festive summer evening and enjoy special access to exhibitions alongside delicious food and drinks by M. Wells.

Special programming organized by Meriem Bennani:

- Live Performance by the Innov Gnawa Band

- North African Mahgrebian DJ set by DJ /rupture

- Screening program organized by Curse of Cherifa

- Courtyard installation by Maryam Hoseini

- Courtyard installation by Tom Kneller

Last chance to see:



Papo Colo

Meriem Bennani: FLY

Deng Tai: Shadow

Cao Fei

Rodney McMillian: Landscape Paintings

Projects 103: Thea Djordjadze

Hosted by:

Sheikha Hoor Al-Qasimi

Sarah Arison

Korakrit Arunanondchai

John Baldessari

Kevin Beasley

Meriem Bennani

Huma Bhabha

Klaus Biesenbach

Angela Chao

John Cheim

John Comfort

Sharon Coplan Hurowitz

Paula Crown

Alan Cumming

Clarissa Dalrymple

Lonti Ebers

Peter Eleey

Lex Fenwick

Lizzie Fitch

Glenn and Amanda Fuhrman

Angela Goding

Danny Goldberg

Carol Greene

Agnes Gund

Susan Hayden

Alanna Heiss

Jonathan Horowitz

Sharon Hurowitz

Spike Jonze

Jenni Kim

Molly Kurzius

Sydie Lansing

Kiki Liu

Ryan McNamara

Jennifer McSweeney

Julie Mehretu

Thurston Moore

Simon Mordant

Laurel Nakadate

Diana Picasso

Susan and David Rockefeller

Anastasia Rogers

Jeanne Greenberg Rohatyn

Lisa Roumell

Cindy Sherman

Laurie Simmons

Alexander Skarsgård

Julia Stoschek

Beth Swofford

Dayana Tamendaroba

Ellen and Bill Taubman

Mickalene Thomas

John L Thomson

Ryan Trecartin

Svetlana Uspenskaya

Enzo Viscusi

Benita von Maltzahn

Dasha Zhukova

M Wells

2017 Masters Degree, - Rotor Group.

The University of Huddersfield

Queensgate, Huddersfield. HD1 3DH

A site dedicated to the progress of research, preparation and execution of events for the Discursive Documents exhibition at the Huddersfield and Kirklees Gallery, Princess Alexander Walk, Huddersfield 2017.
Created by some of the Master's Degree students
(The MA Rotor Team) of the Art, Design & Architecture School 

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