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Fixing Problems with the Website


  • Although their wasn’t an exact font as ROTOR use for their branding I managed to one similar called “Nimbus Sans” which I applied where possible on the website.

  • Colour Scheme

  • For the colour scheme I kept it similar to ROTOR’s using some of their shades of blue, as well as black and white fonts to make it easier to read text.

Whilst changing the homepage I decided to use some of the artists images as the feature images as they are more eye catching however, the quality is not that great as it is pixelated so I will have to source larger files from the artist.

Website Framework

The planned framework has changed since the beginning of planning the website, initially we decided on using multiple drop down menus. However, after making the actual website I found this to be not needed as most the information is easily accessible on the homepage. The framework of the website will now be laid out into four main sections:

  • Home

  • The homepage will contain the majority of information visitors would come for.

  • About

  • Although on the homepage I have left in the menu bar for visitors wanting quicker access to this information.

  • The Artists

  • These pages will contain information about the artist, their project and relevant images.

  • Upcoming Events

  • These pages will simple provide all the information needed for the visitors.

  • Archive

  • The archive will contain content about the exhibition for public use.

Examples of Website Pages

All the pages work perfect however, the Archive page has just made to hold the content for now. Until I know exactly what the content will look like once it is created, I do not want to mess about with its design. However to sort out this design it will be very simple so I can leave it till all the content is created.

My Next Task

  • Create working mobile website.

  • Configure SEO of the website.

2017 Masters Degree, - Rotor Group.

The University of Huddersfield

Queensgate, Huddersfield. HD1 3DH

A site dedicated to the progress of research, preparation and execution of events for the Discursive Documents exhibition at the Huddersfield and Kirklees Gallery, Princess Alexander Walk, Huddersfield 2017.
Created by some of the Master's Degree students
(The MA Rotor Team) of the Art, Design & Architecture School 

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